Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Narrative Theories Research

A Narrative is a story, as stories are endemic to our lives.

Narrative has probably exisisted as long as human beings have.

There are three narrative theories which consist of:

Binary Oppostions - create meaning through establishing what something is not, they can help establish who the 'good' and 'bad' characters are. The idea that we cannot conceive the concept of 'good' without the presence of 'bad' with which to compare.

Equilibrium - The life at the start
Disequilibrium - The problem that occurs
New state of equilibrium - The problem is resolved

Character TypeHero - Leads the narrative, on a quest to solve a problem
Villian - Conflicts with the hero
Heroine - Usually a sort of prize for the hero
Father - Authority figure who offers a reward for the hero
Helper - Helps the hero usually a sidekick
Donor - Gives the hero something - Powers, Gift, Key, Etc.
Mentor - Teaches and guides the hero through his quest.

In the opening of our film I think that all three of these will be majorly useful as they all do there own thing. Each one of them stands out in there own way, and is important in there own way.

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